A Favorite Paddle at Ludington State Park

If you have followed us for a while, you know that we really enjoy paddleboarding so we are going to talk about a great paddling experience at Ludington State Park. If you prefer not to paddleboard, this same paddle can be done with a kayak or canoe as well. 

To get to the starting point, turn right after you enter the park. You will drive along the Big Sable River and park when you get to the end of the road where you will be able to see out into Hamlin Lake and the Big Sable River. The first decision is whether or not you want to stage another vehicle or bike at the end of this paddle. This time, we staged a bike. The next decision is based on whether or not there is wind and which direction it is coming from. You can start by paddling out into Hamlin Lake and then into Lost Lake or start by going into Lost Lake then out into Hamlin Lake. This day, it made sense to go out into Hamlin Lake fist. After paddling north on Hamlin Lake you will make the left turn and go under the hiking trail bridge and into Lost Lake.  

@mi_playground Hamlin Lake through Lost Lake loop #miplayground #ludington #ludingtonstatepark #paddlenorth ♬ original sound - mi_playground

 Lost Lake is a fun spot to spend some time exploring and stopping along the way, including a dune area. as you come to the end of Lost Lake you will exit underneath another hiking trail bridge and enter into the Big Sable River for a short distance before taking out for a portage around the dam. 

Once you are back on the water on the other side of the dam, pay attention to all of the fish you will see! Depending on the time of the year, salmon will be in the river which are great to see. This time we saw salmon, bass, pike and perch.  

@mi_playground Paddling the Big Sable River #miplayground #ludington #ludingtonstatepark #paddlenorth ♬ original sound - mi_playground

 The entire length of this paddle on the Big Sable River is very scenic and peaceful and it is common to see a lot of birds and if you are lucky maybe you will see a deer like we did this time. As you make your way down the river you pass under a few bridges, including the main road entrance bridge that leads into the park. This is the area that we take out to end our paddle.  

@mi_playground Time for a relaxing paddle down the Big Sable River. #ludington #michigan ♬ original sound - mi_playground

 On a calm day we have extended this paddle in the past and portaged one more time out onto Lake Michigan. We always enjoy paddling on Lake Michigan when the conditions are right. 

To either start or end this paddle, a great spot to stop is Stix, which is located right before you get out to Ludington State Park. The food we had was great and the outdoor setting is amazing!  

@mi_playground Stix is located in Lundington right before you enter the road that leads to Ludington State Park. It features $15 burgers, excellent dinner options and a giant outdoor area with yard games. #miplayground #ludington #stix #michiganfoodie ♬ original sound - mi_playground

 You can check out our full fall adventure here!